UYOND’s Technology

We put the best available technologies with our WordPress specific customization to the platform.  This makes your website better and faster.

The NGINX Reverse Proxy

While Apache stays as the main web server handling PHP process, a reverse proxy layer implemented using NGINX is added. All the static contents including fonts, images, Javascript files, and CSS files are all resolved in this reverse proxy layer without touching the Apache. This greatly reduces the resources required in the Apache layer.

Latest HTTP Technology

The reverse proxy layer will perform the best optimization to the corresponding file type. It also takes care of HTTP/2 protocol and SSL termination. Once again, it further reduces the workload of Apache.

Varnish Caching Layer

A caching layer is added and that will automatically cache the HTML payload returned from Apache. This has further reduce the workload of Apache to minimial. The cache result is done automatically and persisted in memory. That provides super fast performance.

PHP Version 7

PHP Version 7 is enforced in all our server. Official PHP benchmarks report that PHP 7 can execute twice as many requests per second when compared to PHP 5.6.

All our servers are on Amazon

UYOND is a cloud based hosting service that fully utilize the Amazon Web Service (AWS) platform. This gives you higher stability, lower network latency, and also you have a choice of over 10 regions to choose for. The closer your server to your target customers, the faster your content can be delivered.


We built our own CDN plugin for WordPress. That is a plugin built only with WordPress in mind. That makes it integrate so well with WordPress and the performance is so good. This CDN service is offered to the WordPress community for free. Your image files will be compressed in our CDN service automatically. That means you no longer have to worry that your image file size is too big.

UYOND Datacenter

All on AWS

We now have 7 AWS regions available you can choose for, and more will be added in the future.

US West (N. California) us-west-1

Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1

US East (Ohio) us-east-2

Europe (London) eu-west-2

Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1

Europe (Milan) eu-south-1

Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2

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