All our WordPress sites are now hosted on Amazon Web Services.

High Standard

We maintain the highest level uptime and security

High Availability

Our state of art cloud architecture design provides high availability from any hardware failure to put the chance of failure and date loss to the minimum.

Your Data is Secured

Enterprise-grade security through WordPress-specific security rules, infrastructure isolation, firewall setup, virus and malware deflection, and proactive systems monitoring.

Massive Choice of Regions

You gain variety choice of AWS Regions to choose from.

Secured. Control.

Better Security. Flexible Architecture

Using AWS as our underlying hosting platform provides us highest level of security and easily scalable architecture.

Reliable Infrastructure

High UpTime

Performance Gain

UYOND Datacenter

All on AWS

We now have 7 AWS regions available you can choose for, and more will be added in the future.

US West (N. California) us-west-1

Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1

US East (Ohio) us-east-2

Europe (London) eu-west-2

Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1

Europe (Milan) eu-south-1

Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2